General Aim
Reflect on the relevance of care for daily life and for the support of learning communities, as well as the feminist movement.
Learning outcomes
- To become familiar with the concepts of interdependence, care and its different dimensions
- To recognise the diversity of feminisms and the work of feminist collectives.
- To acknowledge the relevance of care in constructing and sustaining learning communities
Brief description
We will address theoretical conceptualizations of care before observing its importance for constructing and sustaining communities in general and, in particular, learning communities. We will also reflect on the feminist movement and its relationship with interdependence, ending with a visual intervention on the subject.
General Aim
Reflect on the educational commons in risk societies.
Learning outcomes
- Be able to discuss concepts of commons and educational commons from an educational point of view and has a counter hegemonic perspective.
- Be familiar with the proposal of the ecology of knowledges (Boaventura de Sousa Santos).
- Be able to analyse the diversity of risks in education through multiple perspectives.
Brief description
Starting with a theoretical discussion about the concepts of commons and educational commons. Discussion on Boaventura de Sousa Santos seminar about ecology of knowledges. Finish mapping several risks in education in contemporary societies.