About ComPra
The Blended Short-cycle Training Courses on ‘Commoning Practices (hereinafter ComPra) project introduces the emergent paradigm of the ‘commons’ as an alternative value and action system in the field of education, and it critically draws out the implications of the commons for refiguring education and enabling active social inclusion and promoting well-being for all. Commons are living and dynamic social systems that develop around the values of collective ownership and equal management of resources or goods established by different communities to ensure the survival and prosperity of each of their members (Bollier & Helfrich 2012). People who have accepted the logic of the commons, that is the commoners, seek to create a social network of cooperation, solidarity, dialogue, sharing and interdependence that connects all members of a community equally.
ComPra International Conference
4th of February 2023
NOESIS - Science Centre & Technology Museum, Thessaloniki, Greece
No registration fees
Latest News
Commoning Practices in Education for Social Inclusion – Conference on the 4th of February 2023
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1. Develop a new, innovative, ethical, and applied educative model through the lens of commons:
2. Include theoretical and methodological discussion about the commons and commoning practices within HEI curricula.
3. Foster the participatory democratic culture of the Higher Education community.
4. Spread the commons’ logic to enhance individuals’ participation in public life, social and civic engagement and agency.
5. Provide a strategic plan of professional development for academic staff in line with individual and social needs and objectives (differentiated approach in pedagogy).
6. Ensure a dynamic and professional environment to HEIs, ready to insert good practices and new pedagogical concepts and practices into daily activities

Learning outcomes
On the course, the student will learn how to
• Cooperate in a team environment towards a common goal
• Critically think through an open-ended problem-based approach
• Apply the commons’ logic
• Enhance values like multiculturality, gender perspective, tolerance etc. through educational commons
• Be aware and deal with inequalities in a constructive way
• Reflect on the role of mass media discourse in the construction of imaginaries
• Use commons-based peer to peer characteristics to enhance collaboration and content creation
• Improve their research, digital, communication and social competences

What will the students gain
1. Become pioneers in the emerging practices of the commons in Education.
2. Gain expertise in creative thinking towards asset-sharing, production of mutual resources, self-governance and peer-to-peer models
3. Gain both robust theoretical and practical knowledge around the commons’ discourse and practices to develop an integrated and critically aware understanding of the commons and to promote a critical and analytical approach to contemporary challenges in Education.
4. Develop skills for building/strengthening the identity of commoners.
5. Increase competence in foreign languages, and improve their communication tools
6. Improve their professional profile, and increase opportunities for professional development